Durisol composter

The Durisol composter offers an ecological solution that will help you quickly and efficiently evaluate biological waste from the home or garden. Its advantage is a unique emptying and mixing mechanism, self-regulation of the climate or a practical lid that allows easy refilling. The cover and door prevent the access of pets and unwanted pests. The closed hatch also minimizes weed growth as well as the risk of drying out. Leier concrete plates at the bottom – as the basis of the composter – will facilitate the removal of mature humus and prevent mice from entering. The composter is highly resistant, frost-resistant and can drain water automatically, so you are not at risk of any leakage. The Leier Durisol composter is suitable for processing kitchen waste from a 6-person household or garden waste from a garden with an area of 500 m2.

ProductDimensions (cm)Colorkg/pc
Durisol composter (complete set)120x120x1200Brown500
Durisol composter (Durisol material only)120x120x1200Brown440
Lid for Durisol composter5x120x20Brown15

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Product manager

Ing. Peter Turan
Tel.: +421 910 917 284
E-mail: peter.turan@leier.sk